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Catharina Marschan

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AS42 on April 27, 2021
This functionality can be used to optimize the customer experience by the sales teams while sending a quote with the e-signature function. When the e-signature option is selected for a quote created in Hubspot, the recipient of the quote sees a Beitrag ansehen
33 Antworten
November 03, 2022
Strongly agreeing to your suggestion ! I was looking into where I can customise the confirmation email after sending a quote request by e-signatu...Beitrag ansehen
Chris_from_So1 on Oktober 13, 2017
Currently only link attachments from the Hubspot data base are supported for marketing mails. Sometimes it would be more appropriate to sent the content already with the mail such that users can access all mail after mail sync without being online. Beitrag ansehen
150 Antworten
Juli 28, 2022
Also upvoting this idea. Looking forward to the day when attachments can be added also to workflows.
purrlo on September 23, 2020
In all other forms when adding a phone number, there is a toggle to allow 'Show country code dropdown menu' This is super useful as it allows our sales team to know the full dialling number of who they need to get in touch with. Howe Beitrag ansehen
40 Antworten
Juli 18, 2022
Dear Hubspot, please add this feature to make your platform more smooth to use. One of the main needs with a meeting link form is to be able to c...Beitrag ansehen
skyliem on April 27, 2020
It would be great if we can upgrade the popup forms with more visual customization options and also have the option to use popup images (image-only popups). I know these are two different things but with more customization options e.g. styling, Beitrag ansehen
5 Antworten
Februar 17, 2022
This is absolutely essential to implement! It is astonishing that after years of requests from customers, in addition to the fact that Hubspot has bl...Beitrag ansehen
deborahl on Februar 21, 2020
There is no setting to set the cover photo for Instagram Videos. Currently instagram video's cover photo will default to the first frame of the video, I prefer to choose the frame, especially when the first frame of the video is blank.
14 Antworten
Juli 01, 2021
Another upvote from me, this is a crucial feature for posting videos and would therefore create a lot of value for us as Hubspot customers.. Please u...Beitrag ansehen
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