
Member | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Jun 16, 2021
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Kieron Sandhu

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ngambuti on February 24, 2020
To be able to unmerge contacts. It is often an issue if two different contacts use the same browser, where their activity feed would be combined. To be able to check off which entries you are moving to a new contact, then create that new cont read more
55 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner
May 16, 2022
This is critical! Please add this functionality
XavierDrake on May 08, 2017
Our reps have some specific reports on a specific dashboard they like to refer to on a daily basis. However, there are times where they may go an entire day without opening their laptop. It would be nice for them to have access to their dashboards v read more
48 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner
November 03, 2021
Completely agree! Bit of a twist, as an agency it would be beneficial to see these dashboard reports for our clients while on the go!
KieronSandhu on October 18, 2021
It would be very useful to have our room availability taken into consideration when booking a meeting with the meetings tool. We use Google calendars room functionality to book our meeting rooms internally, and while the meeting tool is grea read more
5 Replies
AmandaStutzman on January 11, 2019
It would be very helpful to see how much time chat representatives are set to available. Currently, reps could set themselves to away without supervisors knowing and ultimately reducing the number of incoming chats. In order to analyze reps effect read more
39 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner
June 16, 2021
This would be amazing +1 !
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