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Georgina Luxford

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amoa on Februar 10, 2020
Especially in the latter stages of the sales process, we are sharing Sales Documents with leads quite extensively. Whereas the tracking and reporting on the Sales Document page itself is good - I can see a full list of who downloaded the document Beitrag ansehen
Februar 10, 2022
This is definitly needed. We want to see which documents contribute to a sale.
nicolerohrer on Mai 15, 2020
Some customers have alternative billing situations for their products that do not fit within our current billing frequency options below. It would be nice if they had the option to create other intervals. One customer needs a five year option for ex Beitrag ansehen
153 Antworten
November 29, 2021
Yes! upvote, we need shorter periods like weekly. Please!
IVLEAD2019 on Juli 31, 2019
Hi everyone, Is anyone else interested in having week by week or month by month comparison for some of their reports? similar to how you compare data on google analytics or any marketing platform. How do you overcome the fact that it doesn't Beitrag ansehen
35 Antworten
Juli 30, 2021
Up voting as well. This small feature is a real necessity to graining insights into how the business is performing.
AMElam on Mai 11, 2021
Hello - I am wondering if you post directly from FB, Li or Twitter will it still report back to Hubspot? Currently ours does not if we post directly from the social accounts, we thought it did so we just want to make sure there isn't a connectio Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
Mai 17, 2021
I also want to know this. I swear i remember back in 2019 HubSpot pulled in native posts so I could assign them to a campaign.
Babel_Gem on Juni 21, 2017
I'm not sure whether others find this as frustrating (or even know that it happens!) but we regularly find in our own portal and with clients that if you send a sales email using the Outlook or Gmail integration, 'log to CRM' and CC someone who is n Beitrag ansehen
Mai 13, 2021
I have read through the links but this doesn't solve the issue that my team is having with contacts PA ending up in HubSpot because the contact has C...Beitrag ansehen
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