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Thomas Coppen

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jrwthetreegroup on November 29, 2018
It would be good to be able to set required deal stages for a pipeline. For example; a pipeline for 'New business' (prosects that are not yet customers), it would be good to force the sales team to add a deal at the first stage then have to progress Beitrag ansehen
98 Antworten
Mitglied | Partner
März 09, 2022
Few other feeds on this asking for the same thing. This has the most votes, please address hubspot. We have been waiting on this for 2 years now. At ...Beitrag ansehen
TCoppen on Mai 24, 2021
Currently recurring revenue amounts are only available in the account default currency. We need it optional for mutliple curencies just like the deal amount
1 Antwort
TCoppen on Mai 21, 2021
Currently report monthly goals are fixed to set monthly increases (see screenshot). Ideally, we want to set goals for each month that varies due to seasonality. We cant use the revenue goal section for this either as that links to a single Beitrag ansehen
13 Antworten
TCoppen on Mai 13, 2021
Allow the selection of all/multiple pipelines when setting revenue goals. You are forced to enter one pipeline here
0 Antwort
andrewdavis_SF on Juni 24, 2020
I'd like a way to delay contacts from throwing through to a certain step of a workflow until a specific date. This came about when we have a micro-nurture running to a specific set of our audience. We are launching a flash deal to our contacts Beitrag ansehen
71 Antworten
Mitglied | Partner
April 13, 2021
@mprofile its not the enrolment date that we need its delaying steps within the workflow untill a particular date. At present we run a number of we...Beitrag ansehen
andrewdavis_SF on Juni 24, 2020
I'd like a way to delay contacts from throwing through to a certain step of a workflow until a specific date. This came about when we have a micro-nurture running to a specific set of our audience. We are launching a flash deal to our contacts Beitrag ansehen
71 Antworten
Mitglied | Partner
April 13, 2021
@mprofile its not the enrolment date that we need its delaying steps within the workflow untill a particular date. At present we run a number of we...Beitrag ansehen
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