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Tyler Piotrowski

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RayRay on September 01, 2020
I'd like to be able to pull a report based # of notes left by each user on a contact/deal.
Oktober 27, 2021
Same here, need to know # of deals with no notes and current options of filters/reports is unreliable
maggiebutler on August 25, 2021
I was watching a video on some customer feedback recently where we asked some questions about the data formatter in Workflows. Here's a screenshot so you know exactly what I'm talking about: Data formatter You probably know this already, but it Beitrag ansehen
September 10, 2021
We often run into ecommerce sites that are using the same domain but different top level domains/domain extensions (.com, .co, .org etc) it would be ...Beitrag ansehen
maggiebutler on August 18, 2021
We're building a library of custom code actions so you can automate anything in HubSpot. What do you want to be able to automate? Submit your ideas in the comments below or upvote your favorite ideas, and we'll add them to our use case library Beitrag ansehen
September 10, 2021
Also would be great to also have a more step by step instruction on how to use these code snippets from the library, i.e videos of how to implement f...Beitrag ansehen
maggiebutler on August 18, 2021
We're building a library of custom code actions so you can automate anything in HubSpot. What do you want to be able to automate? Submit your ideas in the comments below or upvote your favorite ideas, and we'll add them to our use case library Beitrag ansehen
September 10, 2021
Also would be great to also have a more step by step instruction on how to use these code snippets from the library, i.e videos of how to implement f...Beitrag ansehen
MRubin2 on Juni 08, 2021
The integration does not currently allow for the syncing of activities, like emails/form submissions, between HubSpot and Outreach. If Outreach could see the actions that a contact has taken, sequences could be set up that enroll based on specific Beitrag ansehen
5 Antworten
September 10, 2021
We are facing the same issue, email is easy as we can just use Bcc for that but call activity is not syncing which leaves a big data gap.
JKittle on Dezember 21, 2020
It would be very beneficial to be able to filter my tasks by sequence the tasks belongs to. I run multiple sequences at a time, so do keep myself organized it would be nice to have that ability.
1 Antwort
April 29, 2021
Totally agree with how helpful this would be in the task queue view. i.e am I doing a task from an inbound sequence or an outbound sequence.
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