
Teilnehmer/-in | Platinum Partner
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Mark Boyts

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Shrizzle1 on Dezember 04, 2017
I am using Forms API and all the contacts are coming through as direct traffic. We’re passing the hutk cookie as described on but it has not added any information.
13 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Platinum Partner
Mai 31, 2023
Was this ever solved? I'm having the same issue as mentioned above but I don't see a solution. I'm passing the hutk cookie via form API submission an...Beitrag ansehen
kadekl on August 18, 2020
I'd like the ability to edit individually and in bulk, the Original source drill-down 1 and Original source drill-down 2 property values. This would be helpful specifically with correcting imports.
Teilnehmer/-in | Platinum Partner
Mai 23, 2022
@dmastin any updates to share?
lindsayroseryan on Februar 16, 2018
Other messaging tools capture the end user's IP address immediately when they initiate a conversation with a representative. This is a valuable piece of information the ensures that the customer has the best experience possible. There are Beitrag ansehen
46 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Platinum Partner
Oktober 28, 2021
@cdewey22 There was never an update, has there been one?
MBoyts on April 15, 2021
I would like to make the suggestion of adding a "Date of Webinar" property into the GoToWebinar integration. This would benefit many workflows surrounding webinars and make it so you do not have to create separate workflows for each webinar were you Beitrag ansehen
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