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Matt Stoffel

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Skogluft on Februar 14, 2020
Today its only possible to enter whole numbers in quantity in quotes. this is very limiting. For example when you sell 1,5 hours. Or you sell 1,5 square feet of something. or 1,5 pounds... You get the point. extremely important that this Beitrag ansehen
70 Antworten
März 21, 2022
And I thought MS and the US government was slow.... We will be on another pandemic by the time this is enacted... but goodthing you guys don't have ...Beitrag ansehen
brunomaion on Mai 10, 2019
We generate quotes usisng HubSpot quoting tool, included in Professional version of the software. Unfortunatly this information cannot be accessed afterwards, we can only gereta e file with all the quotes ever sent in PDF format, that is not usefull Beitrag ansehen
24 Antworten
Dezember 30, 2021
Between not being able to export to excel and the fact we STILL CAN'T QUOTE IN NON integers is insane. We pay so much money for this product, maybe i...Beitrag ansehen
Skogluft on Februar 14, 2020
Today its only possible to enter whole numbers in quantity in quotes. this is very limiting. For example when you sell 1,5 hours. Or you sell 1,5 square feet of something. or 1,5 pounds... You get the point. extremely important that this Beitrag ansehen
70 Antworten
März 21, 2022
And I thought MS and the US government was slow.... We will be on another pandemic by the time this is enacted... but goodthing you guys don't have ...Beitrag ansehen
Skogluft on Februar 14, 2020
Today its only possible to enter whole numbers in quantity in quotes. this is very limiting. For example when you sell 1,5 hours. Or you sell 1,5 square feet of something. or 1,5 pounds... You get the point. extremely important that this Beitrag ansehen
70 Antworten
März 21, 2022
And I thought MS and the US government was slow.... We will be on another pandemic by the time this is enacted... but goodthing you guys don't have ...Beitrag ansehen
Skogluft on Februar 14, 2020
Today its only possible to enter whole numbers in quantity in quotes. this is very limiting. For example when you sell 1,5 hours. Or you sell 1,5 square feet of something. or 1,5 pounds... You get the point. extremely important that this Beitrag ansehen
70 Antworten
März 21, 2022
And I thought MS and the US government was slow.... We will be on another pandemic by the time this is enacted... but goodthing you guys don't have ...Beitrag ansehen
Mikemchugh on Oktober 19, 2017
HI Can i integrate or link hubspot to Outlook which is held on my MS exchange server. My laptops can link to it and synchronise from anywhere so how would i link hubspot ? Thanks Mike
494 Antworten
März 15, 2021
Can we be added to the Exchange beta as well? 9211968
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