
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Mar 9, 2021
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Lital Barkan

Lital is a long-time believer in the marriage of creativity and data; decision-making that is based on the magical combination of information and inspiration. Combined with her commitment to results and eternal dedication to the best interest of the target persona, she has created marketing greatness for startups as well as Fortune 100s. Her passion is marketing that matters -- the kind that makes a difference and drives results. She can't stand the sleaze or fluff that is often inherent in marketing. She is a mentor, an educator, and an enabler -- getting her clients to the next level and striving to keep growing, learning, and achieving. She even got her kids to eat broccoli. And like it.


MTRLitalB on May 31, 2024
Hi Everyone! We are hosting a HubSpot User Group on Tuesday (and it will be watchable on demand thereafter). Our guest speaker is an expert in helping businesses obtain and leverage video user testimonials. If you want to learn about this valuabl read more
MTRLitalB on May 24, 2023
I know how much my closed sales are worth, but I have never put an actual dollar amount on a lead before... and I am really excited to have @DevynBellamy1 to this virtual HUG in June to explain it! Calculating Lead Values: Adding Financi read more
MTRLitalB on March 14, 2023
What’s Love Got To Do With It : Scaling Community and Brand Affinity Through Advocacy HubSpot User Group Meetup: Brand affinity can be a core differentiator for businesses, but how can you create and foster this love in the first place? read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
March 17, 2023
Join us at this event @EChibuike -- that is EXACTLY what we will be discussing and learning
MTRLitalB on March 14, 2023
What’s Love Got To Do With It : Scaling Community and Brand Affinity Through Advocacy HubSpot User Group Meetup: Brand affinity can be a core differentiator for businesses, but how can you create and foster this love in the first place? read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
March 17, 2023
Join us at this event @EChibuike -- that is EXACTLY what we will be discussing and learning
MTRLitalB on March 14, 2023
What’s Love Got To Do With It : Scaling Community and Brand Affinity Through Advocacy HubSpot User Group Meetup: Brand affinity can be a core differentiator for businesses, but how can you create and foster this love in the first place? read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
March 17, 2023
Join us at this event @EChibuike -- that is EXACTLY what we will be discussing and learning
MTRLitalB on October 17, 2022
Ben Harmanus WEB3, METAVERSE, NFTs ....and what it all means for your company, your brand, and you. HubSpot User Group Meetup: We will learn together from an expert web3 HubSpotter: Ben Harmanus, HubSpot International Brand S read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
October 19, 2022
It is such a thrilling space and there is always so much more to learn and explore. I thoroughly enjoyed @BenHarmanus 's session at INBOUND and I more
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