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Alex Critch

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Akix17 on April 12, 2021
HubSpot allows users to "Favorite" dashboards, but provides no single location to view the favorites. There needs to be a way to see a list of favorited dashboards to complete the feature, otherwise starring it has absolutely no purpose.
Februar 28, 2024
It should be noted that after this idea was submitted in 2021, HubSpot did eventually implement a Favorites List for Dashboards. It isn't straightfor...Beitrag ansehen
keristavro1 on Juli 07, 2021
It would be helpful to have the option to include exact phrases in list criteria. For example currently if I wanted to build a list of IT titles, using "job title contains any of..." and the option IT, it also includes titles such as architech and Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
September 06, 2023
This is a must have! Partial matches throw off reports and make it impossible to get the right subset of data to display.
Akix17 on November 28, 2022
Allow the ability to restrict specific list deletion to super admins. We have thousands of lists that are used by multiple departments. In some unfortunate situations, one group will accidentally delete a list that is needed by another group (eg: li Beitrag ansehen
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mecalagill on August 15, 2017
It would be helpful to have a way of exporting what was the last email they received, what email they unsubscribed from, and a reason as to why they unsubscribed. It would be benefical for us to get to know our leads better and helps with segme Beitrag ansehen
August 31, 2022
It has been almost 4 years since this went to "In Planning". Update? We need something like this in my organization.
JJones36 on März 17, 2022
I would like the ability to restrict users from creating/editing lists, but still give them accesst to use said lists. Thats it, thats the post....
2 Antworten
Mai 13, 2022
My team NEEDS this feature! We have teams who need to view lists, but we don't want them creating their own. We can't do that right now and end up wi...Beitrag ansehen
Akix17 on April 13, 2022
As a super admin user of HubSpot, I would like to be able to set the threshold for which super admins get notifications about large exports from the system. Based on information provided by HubSpot support, the current threshold on any object is Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
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