
Member since ‎Dec 22, 2020
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Oscar Gonzalez

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Pritanshi on February 05, 2019
In many countries, Email IDs are not as prevalent as phone numbers. Many of the contacts don't have mail ids but phone numbers. Hence while importing 100s of contacts to hubspot, it's important to make sure no duplicate records with same phone numbe read more
58 Replies
April 09, 2021
I agree, in fact we have a problem duplicating contacts just because the email isn't our first conversation way with the clients.
OGonzalez on March 10, 2021
I was making a one line text property to save the Google maps or Waze link when some clients sent it to us. It is a pretty useful info to our street agents to be use via movil phones and find our client´s houses, when the text address is not enogth. read more
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