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Scott Preszler

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A_McMaken on August 02, 2021
Need the ability to email a dashboard to a non-HubSpot user. In our case, our sales force does not use HubSpot as their CRM, but we manage all of our marketing creation and automation via HubSpot. Based on campaign results, newsletter engagement, et Beitrag ansehen
16 Antworten
Januar 13, 2023
Sign up for RocketScreens trial and ask your success manager to set up a hubspot demo and help you set it up. How many dashboards do you have?
A_McMaken on August 02, 2021
Need the ability to email a dashboard to a non-HubSpot user. In our case, our sales force does not use HubSpot as their CRM, but we manage all of our marketing creation and automation via HubSpot. Based on campaign results, newsletter engagement, et Beitrag ansehen
16 Antworten
Januar 13, 2023
Sign up for RocketScreens trial and ask your success manager to set up a hubspot demo and help you set it up. How many dashboards do you have?
bstraley on Oktober 24, 2019
Many other productivity software have features to allow you to display dashboards on an office tv/display and have it automatically flip through various reports and dashboards to keep the whole team updated and aligned. I am invisioning it cycling t Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
August 23, 2022
ZMekhi, The platform we built RocketScreens is a simple tool, but it must stable and reliable, so we have created an authoring tool ( Content Managem...Beitrag ansehen
BKennedy on September 16, 2021
We would like to display a HubSpot dashboard on a big screen in the office and put it into full screen mode. The current issue we have is that the dashboard doesn't auto-refresh. It would be great if we could set it to auto-refresh at set intervals Beitrag ansehen
Juni 26, 2022
BKennedy, So, my company built a product that auto-refreshes daily ( it actually could be faster but it uses an exported email which is only dai...Beitrag ansehen
A_McMaken on August 02, 2021
Need the ability to email a dashboard to a non-HubSpot user. In our case, our sales force does not use HubSpot as their CRM, but we manage all of our marketing creation and automation via HubSpot. Based on campaign results, newsletter engagement, et Beitrag ansehen
16 Antworten
Januar 13, 2023
Sign up for RocketScreens trial and ask your success manager to set up a hubspot demo and help you set it up. How many dashboards do you have?
rwolupo on Januar 12, 2019
I would like to display my dashboard on a screen in full screen mode (TV Wall). But the HubSpot menu and the editing buttons don't display this fully. So we need an option to a) display only the report blocks from a dashboard (without menu etc) Beitrag ansehen
18 Antworten
Juni 26, 2022
So, my company built a product, for this exact purpose. We have been trying to do this for years and we happen to be in the reporting/analytics busi...Beitrag ansehen
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