
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Dec 9, 2020
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Morten Lorentzen

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MortenL on February 02, 2024
It would be really nice to have the ability to share documents in the Customer portal. E.g. Service agreements, Quotes, Documents concerning the products delivered etc. It would be of great value that it could be gatheres behind the login the cust read more
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CarolineO on December 10, 2020
We are really struggling with Line Items. We want them to display on the Company side bar so that Customer team can easily see which products a customer has bought but there doesn't seem to be any way to do this. You have to click into the deal to v read more
27 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 15, 2023
Hi Winnie We would like to be enrolled in this beta. Thanks.
GeraldK on June 14, 2022
Hi, as SuperAdmin for our HS integration I have been asked from an user the following question: He wants to associate a contact with a company. But it is hard to figure out which is the correct company in case we have multiple companies with s read more
2 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 02, 2022
We face Same problem when associate a company to a deal. Then we cannot find the right branch office for the Company. We need city as indicator.
kaburke on September 09, 2020
A few months ago I came across a document that my US colleague Kit Lyman put together and I fell in love with the layout. I piggybacked on her amazing resource and built it out to include all of the different elements that need to be taken into c read more
5 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 24, 2022
@Celmer93 thanks. It is a solution:-) Don't know how to mark as a solution.
kaburke on September 09, 2020
A few months ago I came across a document that my US colleague Kit Lyman put together and I fell in love with the layout. I piggybacked on her amazing resource and built it out to include all of the different elements that need to be taken into c read more
5 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 24, 2022
@Celmer93 thanks. It is a solution:-) Don't know how to mark as a solution.
MortenL on June 14, 2022
We need that our client can make a list of the customers that have bought a certain product (Line item). This is not possible at all. Line items cannot be associated to Companies. Not even when there is a deal with the line items associated to the C read more
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