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sonicfroots on Juni 07, 2022
Hi all. I'm creating a drag and drop page and I can't seem to get a section to be Center Content (see screenshot) by default rather than Full Width. I assume I use the boolean full_width=false but it is not working? Any help will be much appreci Beitrag ansehen
sonicfroots on April 14, 2022
Hi all, I have a Hubspot blog listing template with a hero image, featured blog posts, content listing etc. When I click through to the second page of listings via the pagination, I would like the blog listing template to not display the hero i Beitrag ansehen
sonicfroots on Februar 03, 2021
Hi. I have setup a new secondary website within our Hubspot account and changed the DNS settings correctly of our domain to link to the site. How do I found out the IP address of the website in Hubspot so I can update the A record for the domain? Beitrag ansehen
sonicfroots on November 05, 2020
I'm currently making changes to an existing Hubspot website. I can access all the templates, pages, modules etc ok through the Design Manager but I can only see the minified versions of the javascript and CSS files. Is there a way to access these i Beitrag ansehen
November 06, 2020
Thanks Anton. I've had a look back at the first revisions of both files (css and js) and they are both minified from the start so I guess they were b...Beitrag ansehen
sonicfroots on November 05, 2020
I'm currently making changes to an existing Hubspot website. I can access all the templates, pages, modules etc ok through the Design Manager but I can only see the minified versions of the javascript and CSS files. Is there a way to access these i Beitrag ansehen
November 06, 2020
Thanks Anton. I've had a look back at the first revisions of both files (css and js) and they are both minified from the start so I guess they were b...Beitrag ansehen
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