
Member since ‎Aug 31, 2020
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Jennifer Hristovski

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Jennifer_ on September 08, 2020
This is how it looks under "Company" - it would be great to have the same under "Contact" and "Deal".
lalexander on February 11, 2019
Hey team! It would be great if it were possible to customize the default deal name. When creating a new deal from a contact/company record, for example, some customers may want to automatically pull in both the contact and the associated company's read more
71 Replies
September 08, 2020
Yes, please add. When I create a new deal in "Companies" it defaults to [company name] - new deal. I'd like to change that.
chrisatsandler on January 30, 2020
Can we create an add contact and an add deal button on each page in the header? Maybe up by the search, market place, setting and notification icons? Having to click to the contacts page to click add contact is an extra step that is inefficent read more
August 31, 2020
Yes, please! I've only been on HubSpot for a couple weeks and this already significantly adds to my time. Also, when creating a new Deal, it would more
Jennifer_ on August 31, 2020
Currently, you have to upgrade to Sales Pro to add more than two pipelines to Sales Starter package. I'd like the option to add pipelines by themselves to my package without upgrading.
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