
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner
Mitglied seit ‎Okt 22, 2016
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Tom Mahon

An ex-HubSpotter (product expert for forms and lead gen tools). Now a Freelance product marketer, digital marketer and HubSpot advocate! Ready to help with any issues, big or small!


MJegham on November 29, 2024
Hello everyone, I am looking for a digital signature application compatible with HubSpot and usable within workflows. Could you share your experience and advise me on which application to use? Thank you!
1 Antwort
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner
November 29, 2024
Hey @MJegham the "out of the box" way would be to use HubSpot quotes and use their e-sig functionality within that. Outside of this, the main ...Beitrag ansehen
DavideEX on November 29, 2024
Is it possible to have a full list with all the features that core seats aren't allowed to access to compared to the Sales Professional seats?
2 Antworten
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner
November 29, 2024
Hey @DavideEX realistically core seats are basically a "free" account within your account. So won't get access to any paid features. The best way t...Beitrag ansehen
ALI010 on November 27, 2024
Hi everyone! I’m thrilled to join this group and begin learning about SEO with HubSpot. As someone eager to understand how search engines work and how to optimize content for better visibility, I believe this course will be a game-changer. I’m pa Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner
November 27, 2024
Welcome! Best of luck with your journey!
maulpaurer on November 27, 2024
Hello everyone. I have a question on how I can achieve a result where I am struggling at the moment. We have a rather complicated setup of HubSpot, so I will start by explaining our object- structure (also find screenshot attached for better vi Beitrag ansehen
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner
November 27, 2024
Hey @maulpaurer you'll need some sort of matching property value across all of these objects. There's a beta out right now you can opt-in to to ...Beitrag ansehen
lstepany on November 21, 2024
Hi, we have implemented a data hosting migration from US to EU and now there are incomplete fields in the HubSpot data hosting section. In the section "update the HS-script embed code" there are several fields with an option to copy. I do understand Beitrag ansehen
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner
November 22, 2024
Hey @lstepany when you migrate servers the URL HubSpot calls upon changes. For example changes to something like eu.hs-analytic...Beitrag ansehen
genevagordon on November 21, 2024
Is there any way to pass meeting information to a redirected custom confirmation page? Right now if we have enabled a custom redirect, it just shows this simple confirmation icon for 3s and then redirects to our url with a bunch of tracking paramete Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner
November 22, 2024
Hey @genevagordon this isn't possible at the moment unfortunately, meetings really doesn't allow any customisation outside of what's available in t...Beitrag ansehen
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