
Member since ‎Jun 24, 2020
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Nicole Boss

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nr_studiotools on April 26, 2022
We tested unific but decided to not use it. Now we would like to remove the properties that have been automatically created when connecting Unific to Hubspot. I do not have the possibility to just remove the propoerties. That is very inconvenient - read more
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3 Replies
April 27, 2022
Hi Pam I was already in contact with support and got the answer that it is not possible to delete it also not from technical Hubspot team. Maybe more
nr_studiotools on April 26, 2022
We tested unific but decided to not use it. Now we would like to remove the properties that have been automatically created when connecting Unific to Hubspot. I do not have the possibility to just remove the propoerties. That is very inconvenient - read more
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3 Replies
April 27, 2022
Hi Pam I was already in contact with support and got the answer that it is not possible to delete it also not from technical Hubspot team. Maybe more
willtp on December 08, 2020
Hi. We run paid LinkedIn campaigns using LinkedIn's campaign manager. One of the most important things we do to maximise ROI is test thge copy and design of adverts during the campaign to find the highest converting copy/design. Currently, y read more
10 Replies
May 04, 2021
Yes would make sense, if you want Hubspot to not only be the analysing tool for Ads but also the place to create campaigns / ads.
nr_studiotools on April 28, 2021
We have started our NPS survey with a delay of 55 days. It would be great to see a history tab like in workflows where you can see which contact is how many days in the delay and also see how adjustments in the survey affect the contacts in there
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amoa on February 10, 2020
Especially in the latter stages of the sales process, we are sharing Sales Documents with leads quite extensively. Whereas the tracking and reporting on the Sales Document page itself is good - I can see a full list of who downloaded the document read more
April 20, 2021
Yes, this is a feature that we would also like to use.
mattkbrown on July 20, 2020
The formatting ability for the article & category pages is not very design-friendly. Very basic with only a list of options to navigate. The text fields barely seem 'clickable'. The ability to customize or carry over the same formating from read more
2 Replies
April 16, 2021
Yes it also would be great to change the font colour according to the CI of your brand....
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