
Member since ‎Jul 24, 2017
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chuckchoi on May 17, 2019
Posting this on behalf of my customer! As my customer and I were discussing, we were thinking that it would be helpful to have some kind of workflow pause action. Similar to delay action which holds the objects at the delay step until set time, it'd read more
28 Replies
February 20, 2018
Agree, really need this feature. Continually adding delays and repeating the workflow build isn't a good use of time and the workflows can become so more
mariahedges on July 25, 2018
It would be useful if it were possible to set up a subscription preference type which is private or could be hidden from everyone. For example this could be used for an internal employee newsletter who would have a subscription category that read more
August 22, 2017
It would be useful to be able to seperate the email types and decide which ones appear on the email preferences page (bottom of each email sent) for more
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