
Member | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Jun 10, 2020
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David Jones

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DavidFJones on August 19, 2020
Hey everyone, I'm developing a theme that requires some wysiwyg editors on screen for the user and was wanting to use Tiny MCE. I have attempted to use the upload command to upload my folder for version 5.4.2 but two of the files will not upload. read more
DavidFJones on August 19, 2020
Hey everyone, So this is a two part question. The first is how would one go about uploading a file into the hubspot file manager? I've seen this doc here - read more
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DavidFJones on July 22, 2020
Hey everyone. So I'm trying to create a new hubdb table, or row in an existing table using the following endpoints : read more
Member | Platinum Partner
August 18, 2020
Almost right after posting this I found the solution childTableId: payload.child_table The key I was looking for was childTableId
DavidFJones on July 22, 2020
Hey everyone. So I'm trying to create a new hubdb table, or row in an existing table using the following endpoints : read more
Member | Platinum Partner
August 18, 2020
Almost right after posting this I found the solution childTableId: payload.child_table The key I was looking for was childTableId
DavidFJones on July 31, 2020
Hey everyone, I'm trying to add a custom font provided by a client to a few pages, and I'm wondering if the otf font format is supported? I've followed this guide - read more
Member | Platinum Partner
August 03, 2020
Wow. So while reading the post you linked to, I found out the issue was that I was trying to call my font face file type using "otf" instead of " more
DavidFJones on July 31, 2020
Hey everyone, I'm trying to add a custom font provided by a client to a few pages, and I'm wondering if the otf font format is supported? I've followed this guide - read more
Member | Platinum Partner
August 03, 2020
Wow. So while reading the post you linked to, I found out the issue was that I was trying to call my font face file type using "otf" instead of " more
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