
Member since ‎Jun 9, 2020
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Saper Sahbaz

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November 11, 2022
Hey @danmoyle , no worries, I'm actually having a great day. And thanks for bringing up the ideas forum. I know the place and in fact submitted more
Saper on November 10, 2022
Dear UI designer @ HubSpot, This is definitely not the way to design a list where you can see only 2 (two) items at a given time. Come on people, we live in 2022. This is not the infancy days of UI and interaction design. These things should be read more
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Saper on October 27, 2022
Frankly, the "custom object pipeline" idea is not fully delivered. You still can't add/manage properties for the pipeline stages of custom objects—which really contradicts with the idea of having stages. As in other cases related to custom obje read more
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October 27, 2022
Frankly, this idea is not fully delivered. You still can't add properties for the pipeline stages of custom objects—which really contradicts with more
July 20, 2022
Very critical stuff! Definitely should be implemented asap.
Saper on July 19, 2022
To start with why on earth we can't use "now in sequence" property for workflow re-enrollment? Please expand the scope. The current capabilities to build workflow re-enrollment logics are really cumbersome, limited, and inflexible.
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