
Member since ‎May 28, 2020
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Shemmy Majewski

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przemmaj on February 23, 2024
Can I create a filter in HubSpot that emails with certain subject will not be logged in HubSpot and associated emails won't be created as contacts?
1 upvote
1 Reply
przemmaj on January 10, 2022
I was trying to turn off chat today. The setting for turning it off is grey. How to turn it off?
1 upvote
6 Replies
January 27, 2023
No, there is not. I'm still having this issue that the turn-off button is greyed out. I can't toggle this.
przemmaj on March 09, 2022
Hey, Was looking for a similar topic and surprisingly it was not yet discussed. What are the best approaches to create an active list of existing company customers (companies and separate contacts), that might be used for other activities/ read more
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2 Replies
przemmaj on January 10, 2022
I was trying to turn off chat today. The setting for turning it off is grey. How to turn it off?
1 upvote
6 Replies
January 27, 2023
No, there is not. I'm still having this issue that the turn-off button is greyed out. I can't toggle this.
przemmaj on January 10, 2022
I was trying to turn off chat today. The setting for turning it off is grey. How to turn it off?
1 upvote
6 Replies
January 27, 2023
No, there is not. I'm still having this issue that the turn-off button is greyed out. I can't toggle this.
przemmaj on December 09, 2021
Hi, I was trying to find a workaround for this case but failed. How to avoid putting some contacts on the contacts list that are from some domains that we are not going to do business with? For example, we are using some vendors that are sendin read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
December 09, 2021
Ok, so there is no option to completely avoid getting them into CRM?
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