
Member since ‎Jul 17, 2017
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mfinocchiaro on March 03, 2017
We have software data sheets in the File Manager that we link to on our site for customer download. We need to have the ability to track how many times these pdfs are downloaded for viewing, as well as being able to see what web pages these linked d read more
163 Replies
November 16, 2018
Agreed. It's a non-sense a document within hubspot can not be part of the lead scoring. + having the time spent on this document would also be a more
APROPLAN on April 03, 2017
Multi languages features like Landing pages & website have. I think it's essential to have a blog in multiple languages.
97 Replies
August 11, 2018
An ETA would be awesome. We're on WP and will certainly not move until that feature is live.
Daria on March 31, 2017
We're currently using HubSpot for Twitter posts, but when it comes to Facebook and LinkedIn... We simply can't, and here's why: we need to use language targeting for Facebook, as our fans speak various languages and we don't have the same message fo read more
99 Replies
September 11, 2017
Hi all, Agreed, language and Geo targeting on FB is basic social 101. Please advise when completed 🙂 so we can start using your tool. tks
on February 16, 2017
Hello! We’re currenting using the Hubspot meeting form to have users signup for demos with our service. We’d like to track ‘conversions’ or essentially form submissions. I’m having trouble getting GTM setup to recognize the form submission. I’v read more
1 upvote
21 Replies
July 17, 2017
Crap, the pice of code of the first tag didn’t show up. here’s a ps Screen Shot 2017-07-17 at 3.53.36 PM.png 1052x832 71 KB
on February 16, 2017
Hello! We’re currenting using the Hubspot meeting form to have users signup for demos with our service. We’d like to track ‘conversions’ or essentially form submissions. I’m having trouble getting GTM setup to recognize the form submission. I’v read more
1 upvote
21 Replies
July 17, 2017
Crap, the pice of code of the first tag didn’t show up. here’s a ps Screen Shot 2017-07-17 at 3.53.36 PM.png 1052x832 71 KB
on February 16, 2017
Hello! We’re currenting using the Hubspot meeting form to have users signup for demos with our service. We’d like to track ‘conversions’ or essentially form submissions. I’m having trouble getting GTM setup to recognize the form submission. I’v read more
1 upvote
21 Replies
July 17, 2017
Crap, the pice of code of the first tag didn’t show up. here’s a ps Screen Shot 2017-07-17 at 3.53.36 PM.png 1052x832 71 KB
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