
Membro desde ‎abr 24, 2020
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Aislyn Crane


aislync on Fevereiro 21, 2022
It would be nice to be able to bulk update/replace a fields on forms. There are some fields we have in 40+ forms and if I need to switch it to a new field, I have to do so on each form individually.
4 avaliações positivas
1 Respostas
hannahflat on Maio 06, 2021
Right now if you want to merge company records and any of those are set as either a parent or child record, you have to first remove that relationship before you can merge them. When they are related to 1 or 2 companies that isn't too much of a Leia mais
81 avaliações positivas
34 Respostas
Julho 21, 2021
Need this. We have many companies to merge but it's not feasible to do when there are 30-50 companies associated with either of the companies that ne...Leia mais
Aleksandrs on Abril 10, 2019
Would love to have the option to bulk assign multiple child companies to one parent company. A good example would be a hotel chain with the main head office and many subsidiaries.
107 avaliações positivas
37 Respostas
Julho 21, 2021
Much needed. We work with schools and districts where there can be hundreds of child companies that need to be assigned to one company.
aislync on Junho 15, 2021
We should be able to select multiple companies and merge them all at once, the same way we have the options to assign, edit, delete, create tasks, and add to static lists. This seems like a feature or capability that people have been Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
0 Respostas
Erin_Heilman on Abril 27, 2017
It would be excellent if we could bulk merge companies based on their domain instead of individually merging companies.
96 avaliações positivas
19 Respostas
Junho 15, 2021
The inability to do is preventing us from having a clean database and use HS automations to their full potential. This should have been implemented y...Leia mais
DCPS on Julho 16, 2018
I have over 500 parent companies each with anywhere from 10 to 500 child companies that I really don't want to set all the realtionships by hand. I also have thousands of contacts that I need to relate to their companies. Please help...
50 avaliações positivas
37 Respostas
Maio 20, 2021
We really need this feature to be an option. I am updating our database and as we work with schools and districts, i have over 9000 districts that ne...Leia mais
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