
Miembro desde ‎abr 24, 2020
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Dakota Hebert

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May 10, 2022
Hello Irene - have you found a solutoion for this as I'm interested in doing the same. The contacts linked to campaigns isn't working for us, we'd li...Leer más
Julio 13, 2021
Agree - also agree with this from ggobin: "I also think it would be great if it mentioned what Company or contact the comment is connected to in t...Leer más
dhebert en Marzo 23, 2021
Hello - We have a number of Admins who can create or edit properties in HubSpot. Also, our Development Team oversees our API w HubSpot. It would be helpful to have an option for internal notification whenever a property is created or updated to Leer más
2 Me gusta
1 Respuestas
Marzo 08, 2021
I'd like an update too. I've commented previously on this and agree with others that the inability to associate contacts with multiple companies is a...Leer más
Octubre 07, 2020
We tried the "related companies" beta - it doesn't truly address the issue of business consultants, accountants, advisors etc. who should be listed a...Leer más
dhebert en May 08, 2020
It would be a nice feature to be able to set call and meeting types and outcomes by team.
15 Me gusta
5 Respuestas
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