
Member since ‎Apr 21, 2020
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nguyenhang on September 17, 2020
Hi Everyone, I have a question. How to export detailed log activity (call, meeting, email) of each deal. Can someone give me some solutions, t hanks for all your help! Thanks
October 23, 2020
Not being able to export log activity is one of the biggest drawbacks of HubSpot. It's really frustrating and we never really get an answer on when more
dennis12 on May 28, 2018
Hi everybody, I am facing the following issue. We want to send our customers an e-mail with an unique link for each customer to use individually. On the one hand, we could do it manually, for each customer we send a new email with a new link. Thi read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
August 12, 2020
Awesome! Thanks for confirming. A few more questions as we're testing this now: Is there a way to generate this tracked link using the HubSpot more
dennis12 on May 28, 2018
Hi everybody, I am facing the following issue. We want to send our customers an e-mail with an unique link for each customer to use individually. On the one hand, we could do it manually, for each customer we send a new email with a new link. Thi read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
August 12, 2020
Awesome! Thanks for confirming. A few more questions as we're testing this now: Is there a way to generate this tracked link using the HubSpot more
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