
Miembro desde ‎abr 17, 2020
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Stacey Pina

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Septiembre 09, 2021
Glad to see that since this thead was initiated on what looks like December 2019 that as of recent (July 26, 2021) it is being addressed at least in ...Leer más
staceyp en Agosto 24, 2021
It would be helpful to have the option to edit or rearrange the main taskbar? I know we are able to edit, change or customize a dashboard but I am referring to the top black bar. There are certain items my team uses on a very regular basis Leer más
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2 Respuestas
Agosto 21, 2021
@sjudson you posted the following back in April 2020: sjudson HubSpot Product Team Apr 28, 2020 Hi HubSpot Communi...Leer más
Agosto 21, 2021
I realize this is an older thread but does anyone know if this topic has been revisited or addressed with any other options or solutions?
Julio 10, 2020
The revLABS Revenue River widget app DOES work to clone and does give the option of whether to include the products which therefore carries over the ...Leer más
Junio 04, 2020
Maybe we all just need to keep creating new threads, ideas and forums on this need/ some point maybe someone will pay it some attenti...Leer más
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