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Beckham Thomas

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INguyen on Juli 16, 2021
Hey there, I'm an account executive that makes a high volume of calls using your platform and the one thing I would like to improve my workflow is the ability to change the default mic settings to the headset that I use, rather than having to ma Beitrag ansehen
5 Antworten
April 20, 2023
bfelker on Februar 21, 2018
Today call outcome and call type are optional fields for someone who is logging an activity. I need to make them mandatory so that a rep cannot log an activity without populating those 2 fields. How do I do it?
Juli 16, 2020
Our org has the same requirment.
NinaKovari on August 23, 2019
We do a lot of business with international companies that have various branches across the globe. It would be useful to be able to associate these branches with each other through a "sister" or "related" company relationship, similar to the parent/c Beitrag ansehen
April 17, 2020
We need to track dealers and manufacturers. Many to Many relationships. Bobcat has many dealers. Those dealers may be dealers of multipe manufact...Beitrag ansehen
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