
Member since ‎Apr 3, 2020
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Gary Oberbrunner

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DSS-Gary on April 13, 2021
My "Mailing List" active list is just "email is known and DoNotContact is not Yes", so I email my whole list sometimes. I'd like to add some contacts without adding them to my main list; people it wouldn't be appropriate to email about each new prod read more
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Challard on August 29, 2019
The "Create a Follow Up Task" check box might be my favorite feature in Hubspot. However, I would like it to be even better. It would be great if we could change the default times on the current menu for the "Create a Follow Up Task". Yes, I know I read more
March 24, 2021
For me, 90% of followups are 5 business days. It wouild be so great if I could set that as the default instead of 3 business days.
DSS-Gary on February 08, 2021
Hi; I have Sales Hub Starter and Marketing Hub Starter. I'm a solopreneur getting started with my B2B SaaS product. My app sends a contact creation to Hubspot via the API when a user first logs in; I'd like Hubspot to send them a welcome email when read more
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2 Replies
February 08, 2021
Thanks, Chris -- I was afraid of that. So I can't do even basic sales automation with Hubspot without $X00/month. 😞 I'll try your suggestion of more
DSS-Gary on February 08, 2021
Hi; I have Sales Hub Starter and Marketing Hub Starter. I'm a solopreneur getting started with my B2B SaaS product. My app sends a contact creation to Hubspot via the API when a user first logs in; I'd like Hubspot to send them a welcome email when read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
February 08, 2021
Thanks, Chris -- I was afraid of that. So I can't do even basic sales automation with Hubspot without $X00/month. 😞 I'll try your suggestion of more
DSS-Gary on January 21, 2021
I had a contractor find emails for a number of contacts in my Hubspot CRM. They nicely made a separate column ("Additional Emails") for the contact's personal email in some cases, mostly where they couldn't find the work email (I'm a small B2B softw read more
DSS-Gary on November 27, 2020
I have an Active List "Mailing List" that's just all contacts with a known email. But there are a few that I'd like to omit from this; they're irrelevant to most of my mailings. Vendors, certain partners, etc. Is there a built-in tag/property I shou read more
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3 Replies
November 27, 2020
Thanks -- that's useful, especially about suppression lists (though I have to remember to use the right ones when I send out emails!). I would more
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