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Henrik Börjesson

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sgerrits on Januar 08, 2021
Because activities can't act as re-enrollment trigger, it would be great to have activity based workflows. An example of an application would be that every time I log a phone call with outcome = left voice mail, it will send an automated email Beitrag ansehen
104 Antworten
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Dezember 07, 2022
+1 This feature is requested by many of our customers in the Nordics.
ecoomber on März 05, 2020
I'd like to be able to set goals by product - our reps have goals for different product lines and also out goals are for amount and not revenue.
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Februar 25, 2022
Yes, this feature is very requested by an enterprise customer of ours too.
liangsj on September 07, 2020
Hi Team (Submitting on behalf of Customer), Currently, for line graphs, we can add a monthly report goal but when I select bar or column chart, I can't add a point/line for a monthly report. Is it possible to have that for them too?
4 Antworten
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Februar 10, 2022
Much needed to be able to have sales targets in all report assets (graphs, tables etc). Moreover, sales targets should be able to defined in local cu...Beitrag ansehen
himanigupta on Januar 20, 2021
Would you please launch forecast amount in local currency identical to projected deal stage amount
15 Antworten
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Februar 10, 2022
Much needed for international companies.
cathalhopper on Januar 27, 2021
It would be great to have the ability to create and associate a custom object with a standard object in the creation screen. Right now custom objects and standard objects can be associated together when defining a custom object - and if both Beitrag ansehen
6 Antworten
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Februar 12, 2021
Yes! Requested by Enterprise customer.
egp19 on Mai 29, 2020
Now that we can create custom properties for Products, can we enable calculated properties for Products? Without this basic feature, our products have quantitative properties that we have to manually calculate before adding to HubSpot. This creates Beitrag ansehen
73 Antworten
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Juli 07, 2020
Yes, second the need of calculated products properties.
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