
Member | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Mar 12, 2020
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Marko Kukanjac

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Member | Diamond Partner
September 01, 2023
@hseligson Thank you so much for the response. It makes things clear and we can start with the planning to switch.
Member | Diamond Partner
August 29, 2023
Hey, I have a question regarding the " easy way for customers to copy their legacy CTAs into new CTAs " process. How is this going to look more
MKukanjac on November 08, 2022
Hello, I've been working with the Custom CRM Cards in the middle pane and I've stumbled upon a "problem". Or, probably I am doing something wrong 🙂 In the button component example that we have in the documentation , when you click the butt read more
Member | Diamond Partner
November 02, 2022
Hey Fabian, Sorry, I wasn't clear, but I was referring to the HUBL code. If I use a CTA field in the code and generate the CTA by using the more
MKukanjac on October 30, 2022
Hey, I am trying to replace a CTA button from around 300 pages 🙂 All of the CTA buttons are linked to internal pages/blog posts. Need to do this since CTA links don't count as internal links, so I need to replace them with <a href read more
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