
Member since ‎Mar 10, 2020
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florian fupfac

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virginiam on November 07, 2017
I would like to create a custom report where i can see how much time my contacts spend in each stage of their Contact Lifecycle. I am looking for something much like the "time in deal stage" available for deals. I know that hubspot has the read more
July 14, 2020
How to be added to the beta please?
virginiam on November 07, 2017
I would like to create a custom report where i can see how much time my contacts spend in each stage of their Contact Lifecycle. I am looking for something much like the "time in deal stage" available for deals. I know that hubspot has the read more
July 14, 2020
How to be added to the beta please?
ckennedy on June 02, 2017
It would be great if there was a way to clone an if/then branch within a workflow, especially with multiple "if" criteria. For example, if I'm setting up branches with the same SF campaign IDs but different interactions with an email, (bounce, open, read more
47 Replies
June 24, 2020
Same need one!
fupfac on March 10, 2020
Hello I would like to change the color inside the form field. When someone types inside the fields the input should be in white. I added a class dark_form on the hubspot form I added the color in my custom.css read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
March 11, 2020
Ok it is not exactly what i need. For now I change the buttons styles so people can see the form properly. Tks anyway
fupfac on March 10, 2020
Hello I would like to change the color inside the form field. When someone types inside the fields the input should be in white. I added a class dark_form on the hubspot form I added the color in my custom.css read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
March 11, 2020
Ok it is not exactly what i need. For now I change the buttons styles so people can see the form properly. Tks anyway
fupfac on March 10, 2020
Hello I would like to change the color inside the form field. When someone types inside the fields the input should be in white. I added a class dark_form on the hubspot form I added the color in my custom.css read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
March 11, 2020
Ok it is not exactly what i need. For now I change the buttons styles so people can see the form properly. Tks anyway
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