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Tauriq Samad

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bsm007 on Januar 29, 2020
We need a way to pre-set the value of a property field. I am constantly creating new Contacts where 85% of the time, the values of several properties are always the same. For example, I have a property called HaveX that should almost always be a va Beitrag ansehen
81 Antworten
Januar 03, 2023
Agreed, this is another needed and missing piece of basic functionality.
lisat2m on Juli 20, 2017
I'd like to see contact as a required option when adding a new deal. When adding a deal, you can search contacts and add, but we'd like to see this as an option to require sales team to add the contact before the deal can be added. I'm thinking this Beitrag ansehen
Juli 28, 2020
In this same area, would also would like to see the option to require a product (at least one). Ideally this could be set as required to enter a part...Beitrag ansehen
TauriqS on Juli 02, 2020
Hi, I'd like the ability to search a dashboard report, or search the entire dashboard. Currently we can set filters on individual reports or the entire dashboard, in addtion to this, I'd like search boxes on the reports and dashboard that would Beitrag ansehen
mwee on Oktober 14, 2019
With the new folder tool, we are able organise Products into our Product Library. However, this would be much better if we are able to import Product directly into the folders. Typically, when using a Product import, we are importing a long lis Beitrag ansehen
49 Antworten
Juni 05, 2020
Also agree, there's quite a bit of improvement needed around product management, this is definetly a part of it.
MFrankJohnson on Januar 17, 2020
In a nutshell, required deal STAGE properties work great when moving EXISTING deals through deal stages. However, these required deal STAGE properties are ignored at deal creation time. The separate functionality -- required deal C Beitrag ansehen
30 Antworten
Mai 30, 2020
This is also an issue for us, it seems like a rather obvious loophole. Required properties at certain deal stages are great as they help ensure a cer...Beitrag ansehen
TauriqS on Mai 13, 2020
Hi, Currently in Hubspot, there is the option to require multi factor authentication for all users which is great. However we have a few users without a company provided mobile phone/number, such as customer service. Because of this we can not t Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
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