
Member since ‎Jan 30, 2020
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Eduardo Sordo

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nataliewickham on December 04, 2018
I'd like a way to add additional emails when using the meetings link for two reasons: 1) when I set the meeting for my contacts, sometimes they ask me to include more than one person at their company. Instead of having the option to add another par read more
44 Replies
July 09, 2020
Somebody knows if this option is available now? Hubspot should do this! (please). This idea wil be pretty usefull.
AEL on March 31, 2017
I want to start a new Workflow with a List, add a delay of 30 days, then send an internal email, then delay again for 30 more days. I want it to repeat over and over again as long as a Contact remains on that List. We'd like to use it to remind sta read more
33 Replies
February 19, 2020
Maybe You can Hack that! Make 2 workflows, Establish the options and actions that you want, in the final of the workflow enroll the other, and the more
Sara on May 10, 2017
Firstly, not to have to add an existing hubspot user as a contact to be able to add them. Secodly, not adding the person who sets up the meeting as an attendee because they simply create meetings for other users and don't have to be invited to the read more
171 Replies
February 13, 2020
Someone know if this feature is already? Or some alternative to do ? Thanks!
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