
Membro desde ‎jan 3, 2020
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Kristen Stockdale


KStockdale on Março 03, 2022
Would like to have a user redirected to a specific page based on a field updated in a form submission. E.g. If they tick a particular box they're redirected to one page, if not another, etc.
0 avaliações positivas
0 Respostas
KStockdale on Setembro 29, 2021
We can filter workflows etc. by the user that created them. Would really like to have this functionality across other parts of Hubspot (e.g. forms, emails, and so on).
0 avaliações positivas
0 Respostas
kristen_sb on Junho 07, 2018
HubSpot's Lifecycle is incredibly limited - we don't run our business against these very general and limited value. We have a custom field we have created for our own marketing lifecycle and use automation to set this field value based on diffe Leia mais
203 avaliações positivas
48 Respostas
Março 24, 2021
I would love this! Struggle with turning off all elements of automation with the Hubspot lifecycle stages. Would be great if we could build our ...Leia mais
KStockdale on Março 19, 2021
I'd like to be able to add personalisation tokens to the follow-up emails sent on the back of a form submission. Could have default tokens if a contact has no value for that particular token.
2 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
KStockdale on Janeiro 26, 2021
We can do this in Sales emails - would be helpful if we could for marketing too!
7 avaliações positivas
1 Respostas
Rivet-Works-B on Fevereiro 07, 2018
Our app is available in multiple app stores that we would like to direct people towards on a form. To accomplish this, we want to add rich text to a hidden dependent field that would guide the end user to a outside link based on a drop down field. Leia mais
141 avaliações positivas
45 Respostas
Dezembro 09, 2020
Would find this really helpful.
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