
Mitglied seit ‎Dez 9, 2019
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Dean DeLisle

My passion is to connect people and brands using the power of Social Teaming so they can achieve their goals. I created this unique system when Social Networks were just made of people and their connections, before technology. I have now taken lessons learned about digital and social media over the last 15 years with my amazing team, clients and partners to create an influencer development system for professionals, organizations and events. I also love to launch new products and invigorate existing ones with the power of our Digital Thought Leadership Program to build relationships which increase referrals and new business. Briefly put, this means I am one of the lucky people who does what he loves for a living. An early start in the hospitality industry helped me discover my true passion: the power of connecting with the right people and building a relationship based social network. We recently launched a B2B Influencer Development Training Platform called Social Jack™. This platform combines coaching and training that includes curriculum in B2B Influencer Development, Digital Thought Leadership, Employee Advocacy, and Social Selling for the most relevant Social Network platforms. Forward Progress delivers services in these areas with industry-standard tools and mobile technology. This is where my story comes full circle: Social Jack™ teaches people to connect with the right people they want and need in their network, which allows them to build a new and effective relationship-based network. Thus amplifying professionals and brands simultaneously. My team and I have trained over 120,000 professionals in over 35 countries with the Social Jack™ Curriculum. I love spending time with my family and we enjoy connecting and engaging with friends. And, yes, some of that family time is spent in the dojo: my son and I are both 3rd degree black belts in Tae Kwon Do. We also enjoy supporting community theater. - oh and I LOVE Baseball! :-) Let’s connect if it feels right!


Januar 04, 2020
Any further developments on this, praying yes, since this was 2018 orgionally! 🙂 Happy New Year!
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