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Bruno Dermoum

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bdermoum on September 20, 2024
Hello Since the conversation view changed to the Help Desk environment (which is very good), we can't edit the contacts directly in the right sidebar, as before (now it's a card type thing). It was very useful, especially for instance to upl Beitrag ansehen
September 25, 2024
Yep ! I didn't see the preview option. This does the trick, thanks !
bdermoum on September 20, 2024
Hello Since the conversation view changed to the Help Desk environment (which is very good), we can't edit the contacts directly in the right sidebar, as before (now it's a card type thing). It was very useful, especially for instance to upl Beitrag ansehen
September 25, 2024
Yep ! I didn't see the preview option. This does the trick, thanks !
basil on Januar 18, 2020
We have SLAs with customers that we respond during business hours and during weekdays within a certain time period. It would be greate if the Time to Close and the Time to First Reply KPIs could have an option that they are calculated based on busin Beitrag ansehen
101 Antworten
Januar 17, 2023
Any updates on this @dmastin ?
HarryAR on Dezember 17, 2022
Hello, I am attempting to migrate all Knowledge Base (KB) content from Zendesk to HubSpot. I discovered that there is a menu option for this in HubSpot called "Smart copy" under the "Import" menu. See the attached screenshot for reference. Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
Januar 13, 2023
Hello Zendesk support answered me on that matter. It is because of a captcha that it doesn't work. Hubspot must allowlist its IPs with CloudFlare...Beitrag ansehen
HarryAR on Dezember 17, 2022
Hello, I am attempting to migrate all Knowledge Base (KB) content from Zendesk to HubSpot. I discovered that there is a menu option for this in HubSpot called "Smart copy" under the "Import" menu. See the attached screenshot for reference. Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
Januar 13, 2023
Hello Zendesk support answered me on that matter. It is because of a captcha that it doesn't work. Hubspot must allowlist its IPs with CloudFlare...Beitrag ansehen
PedroRodrigues on Februar 21, 2020
How can I set deadlines automaticaly based on the creation date of a ticket depending on the ticket service type, priority, customer and schedule (Work days only). We need to provide our team visibility of our SLAs for each customer to guarantee Beitrag ansehen
19 Antworten
Dezember 21, 2022
That's great but how can we set up holidays or special days we don't want the SLA to be active. It's such a pain right now because we keep it unabled...Beitrag ansehen
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