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Dan Carter


dabroncos on Agosto 05, 2024
Huge problem that I can't print help desk conversations. I need to print any email or the entire conversation just like I would in Gmail for many different reasons including compliance. Please fix ASAP
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dabroncos on Julho 26, 2024
Users can see a daily snapshot of all ticket activity for their own user account: List of Tickets Created for them, Tickets Almost Due, Tickets Past Due.
3 avaliações positivas
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mickjaffer on Junho 13, 2023
It would be great for our firm to have a notification option that sends a "Deals Daily Digest" that gives a snapshot of Deals that were assigned to a user, when a deal changes stages, etc. Currently, the system only allows for individual emails per Leia mais
3 avaliações positivas
1 Respostas
Julho 26, 2024
This is really helpful to have a nice daily digest of deal activity separated out into categories so users can get a quick snapshot of all the deal c...Leia mais
dabroncos on Julho 23, 2024
It is a pain in the butt to view the emails in the small window in the hubspot inbox. I need to be able to adjust and expand this section without doing a simple ctrl - (zoom out). When I zoom out the text is so small my eyes are strained. Please Leia mais
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dabroncos on Setembro 25, 2023
Need to Trigger workflow- last sequence enrolled using sequence folder ID instead of individual sequence ID I have a group of sequences that I want to trigger based on a specific sequence folder so I don't have to trigger them based on individua Leia mais
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dabroncos on Março 24, 2023
I need to remove members from a static list using a workflow if they meet certain requirements through the workflow. Can you please add this feature?
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