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Maret Reutelingsperger

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2546270 on März 31, 2022
Dear HubSpot, We love the new client portal, but we can't use it because it is not multilingual, we need the possibility to have an English and French version. As I know you are always working to make your platform optimal, I am sure you will add Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
März 29, 2023
I also see this problem across several of my client portals. Most companies which work across several languages, regions will have this requirement o...Beitrag ansehen
catan on Januar 30, 2020
Currently, according to this KB article , there are certain set rules for activity associations: Generally, activities logged on a contact record will be automatically associated to the record's associated company and the associated five most Beitrag ansehen
Februar 23, 2023
Any news on this feature? It seems like a foundation requirement with Custom Objects to be able to link associated objects' activities. Even if you c...Beitrag ansehen
shiling on März 06, 2019
Currently the quote number is formatted as #yyyymmdd-xxxxxxxx, wherexxxxxxxx are random non-sequential numbers. I'd like to be able to configure how the quote number is formatted and generated, e.g. QU-xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is a sequential number. Beitrag ansehen
110 Antworten
Dezember 19, 2022
How is this feature not on the roadmap yet? Please give us an update on this. Quote number formats are something that each company has their own styl...Beitrag ansehen
itsmaret on März 16, 2020
Hi all, The idea: To be able to bulk upload/import UTM tracking URLs (and potentially have a template sheet, like with contact/company imports) Who for: This is for those who work in big portals, using URLs across many sources/mediums an Beitrag ansehen
brittwhittemore on August 18, 2017
I would love to be able to create a static or smart list of companies. Right now, you can create a list based on company fields, but it generates contact names, not companies.
76 Antworten
September 12, 2019
Yes to this idea! It would be so good to use lists to segment companies. Even if it's just for internal use - it would be tremendous. Please make...Beitrag ansehen
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