
Member since ‎Aug 29, 2019
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Brandon Atkins

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shabermehl on April 10, 2020
Dear Community & Support, As a new user, I have to admit how put off I am by the lack of organizational options in HubSpot. Campaigns: For starters, there is not a way to organize overall campaigns. I find that HubSpot defines Campaig read more
31 Replies
November 13, 2023
Agreed for use of (nested) folders for organization! We have email templates and snippets that are used by multiple individuals and teams, and the more
batkins on November 09, 2022
We'd like to be able to manually set an individual marketing contact status property value as "Marketing" or "Non-Marketing" from the individual contact record (ie. without having to go to Contacts > Contacts) - or by means of the other methods i read more
batkins on July 13, 2021
We have the need to showcase HubSpot reports / dashboards to our clients (and potentially others, who will not be authenticated to HubSpot). It appears current functionality does not allow for this (only sharing with authenticated users) & read more
5 Replies
fxholl on April 29, 2017
I created some queues for my tasks to organize the tasks. Sometimes I need to pass a task to someone else to complete. It would be great to have the ability to share queues, so shared tasks in a queue would already appear in the correct queue for read more
110 Replies
January 09, 2020
We need this as well. @sjudson can you please provide an update on an anticipated release date?
batkins on November 11, 2019
I'd like to propose capability of adding a column to an import load file that indicates if a note should be pinned. I import notes with contacts & would like to be able to pin those notes within the system upon import (instead of manually for ea read more
20 Replies
margo_northcutt on March 08, 2018
Our Sales team would like to be able to filter Deals by Products related to the Deal. Today we use (probably too many) Deal Stages/Pipelines to distinguish which product someone is interested in purchasing. This way of tracking products seem read more
72 Replies
October 21, 2019
I believe you can just create a report to show the deal-to-product relationship (in a table view). It would be nice to be able to see a deal's more
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