
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Platinum Partner
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Jacob Holm

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annieg241 on Oktober 09, 2023
I want our timestamp properties to include both a date and a time. How can I do this?
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Platinum Partner
Juli 04, 2024
Hey @karstenkoehler Do you know if this beta has been removed again? I could really use it for something i am working on but it is not available ...Beitrag ansehen
robin_burkeman on Juli 31, 2019
Hi, I am a true Hubspot fan but find it ludicrous that it does not take marketing and sales to the final mile - to be able to report and monitor on key marketing metrics. For example...How to measure the different KPI's I have in my funnel ie: Beitrag ansehen
44 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Platinum Partner
Juli 03, 2024
Hi @JennyMueller Do you have an update on the progress on this one?
HSymonds on März 22, 2021
It woudl be extremely helpful if you could have dependent properties. So if a certian field in a proeprty is selected there is the option of another relaetd property showing or appearing below. This would mean that my team is only filling in relevan Beitrag ansehen
19 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Platinum Partner
Januar 02, 2024
Hi Some version of this was released in early december. Not sure if it solves all usecases but it is a start.
jaah on September 28, 2022
Hi HubSpot, I have an additions for your product recommendation tool in emails that i would like to have. Most of the ecommerce shops that we work with have wide product ranges and all product categories will not fit all emails that we want to Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Platinum Partner
September 29, 2022
My bad - i thought that is what i did. I have submitted the idea here: ansehen
jaah on September 29, 2022
Hi HubSpot, I have an additions for your product recommendation tool in emails that i would like to have. Most of the ecommerce shops that we work with have wide product ranges and all product categories will not fit all emails that we want to Beitrag ansehen
jaah on September 28, 2022
Hi HubSpot, I have an additions for your product recommendation tool in emails that i would like to have. Most of the ecommerce shops that we work with have wide product ranges and all product categories will not fit all emails that we want to Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Platinum Partner
September 29, 2022
My bad - i thought that is what i did. I have submitted the idea here: ansehen
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