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Mathias Madsen

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jrudd on Juni 27, 2017
Adding the ability to make a flexible column within a Blog template and not just a Website Page or Landing Page would be useful. I am trying to allow editing and creating Blogs and pages to be more accessable for non developers. I have created Cust Beitrag ansehen
21 Antworten
Juli 23, 2021
FYI: @wspiro has taken over the project from Katie. I wrote to him on Slack and received the following update on July 2: ...Beitrag ansehen
jrudd on Juni 27, 2017
Adding the ability to make a flexible column within a Blog template and not just a Website Page or Landing Page would be useful. I am trying to allow editing and creating Blogs and pages to be more accessable for non developers. I have created Cust Beitrag ansehen
21 Antworten
Juli 23, 2021
FYI: @wspiro has taken over the project from Katie. I wrote to him on Slack and received the following update on July 2: ...Beitrag ansehen
mathiasmadsen on August 26, 2020
Hi, I've been looking through the documentation and the community forum but haven't found my way around this bug yet. Hope someone out there can help me out. I have 2 Hubspot portals (one for dev, one for prod). Yesterday I made 2 new local Beitrag ansehen
September 02, 2020
Ok, I figured it out.. This is kinda embarasing, but here it goes. When you add a group, it looks as if the 'label' will be the name for the new gro...Beitrag ansehen
mathiasmadsen on August 26, 2020
Hi, I've been looking through the documentation and the community forum but haven't found my way around this bug yet. Hope someone out there can help me out. I have 2 Hubspot portals (one for dev, one for prod). Yesterday I made 2 new local Beitrag ansehen
September 02, 2020
Ok, I figured it out.. This is kinda embarasing, but here it goes. When you add a group, it looks as if the 'label' will be the name for the new gro...Beitrag ansehen
mathiasmadsen on August 26, 2020
Hi, I've been looking through the documentation and the community forum but haven't found my way around this bug yet. Hope someone out there can help me out. I have 2 Hubspot portals (one for dev, one for prod). Yesterday I made 2 new local Beitrag ansehen
September 02, 2020
Ok, I figured it out.. This is kinda embarasing, but here it goes. When you add a group, it looks as if the 'label' will be the name for the new gro...Beitrag ansehen
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