
Mitglied seit ‎Aug 1, 2019
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Alexandra Mousinho

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amousinho on Oktober 26, 2020
Hello, HubSpot has a "Export Security Activity History" that allow to have the following information: Adding, removing, requiring or removing the requirement for single sign-on (SSO) Exporting contacts Adding or removing users Viewing, creatin Beitrag ansehen
maris7 on Oktober 14, 2019
Hi, The File area should give the ability to restrict access to folders based on Users&Team, so that the sales team do not messes with marketing files, and some content can be restricted based on users or team ex: area for investors -> fil Beitrag ansehen
49 Antworten
Oktober 26, 2020
Hello, I know that HubSpot have lauched a new permission "Files", to limite the access to the documents. "Files: toggle the switch to grant the ...Beitrag ansehen
amousinho on September 21, 2020
It's important for an Super Admin to manage the Apps that are being integrated with HubSpot and have a list with these apps and see which users have them installed.
8 Antworten
maris7 on Oktober 14, 2019
Hi, The File area should give the ability to restrict access to folders based on Users&Team, so that the sales team do not messes with marketing files, and some content can be restricted based on users or team ex: area for investors -> fil Beitrag ansehen
49 Antworten
Oktober 26, 2020
Hello, I know that HubSpot have lauched a new permission "Files", to limite the access to the documents. "Files: toggle the switch to grant the ...Beitrag ansehen
maris7 on Oktober 14, 2019
Hi, The File area should give the ability to restrict access to folders based on Users&Team, so that the sales team do not messes with marketing files, and some content can be restricted based on users or team ex: area for investors -> fil Beitrag ansehen
49 Antworten
Oktober 26, 2020
Hello, I know that HubSpot have lauched a new permission "Files", to limite the access to the documents. "Files: toggle the switch to grant the ...Beitrag ansehen
Compuware on Dezember 08, 2016
Would like the ability to view the account log-in activity of our Sales and Marketing users. Currently we have no way of knowing whether someone is logging into the system and using it or not.
83 Antworten
August 01, 2019
Hi, our company also needs to have an report with the a ccount log-in activity of our Sales and Marketing users. This is a feature that the appli...Beitrag ansehen
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