
Miembro | Partner
Miembro desde ‎may 31, 2017
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Ryan Casey

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mschnitt en Abril 05, 2017
We have a number of MAC users. It would be nice to have HubSpot integrate with Outlook for MAC users. Is this a feature that will be available soon?
Miembro | Partner
Febrero 20, 2018
It looks like somebody erroniously marked this as "Delivered." Although there does seem to be a plugin now, it is limited to users of Microsoft's Off...Leer más
mschnitt en Abril 05, 2017
We have a number of MAC users. It would be nice to have HubSpot integrate with Outlook for MAC users. Is this a feature that will be available soon?
Miembro | Partner
Febrero 20, 2018
It looks like somebody erroniously marked this as "Delivered." Although there does seem to be a plugin now, it is limited to users of Microsoft's Off...Leer más
ryanfcasey en Junio 16, 2017
I would love to be able to assign a task in a workflow, then delay that workflow from proceeding until the aforementioned task is completed. Here is my use case: I have a quote request form that gets filled out. If the contact already has a Hub Leer más
95 Me gusta
37 Respuestas
mschnitt en Abril 05, 2017
We have a number of MAC users. It would be nice to have HubSpot integrate with Outlook for MAC users. Is this a feature that will be available soon?
Miembro | Partner
Febrero 20, 2018
It looks like somebody erroniously marked this as "Delivered." Although there does seem to be a plugin now, it is limited to users of Microsoft's Off...Leer más
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