
Member since ‎Mar 15, 2023
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ti Zhou

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tZhou6 on March 22, 2023
Hi guys,I'm new to HubSpot. It seems the knowledge base function is just for customers right? I would like to know is there a Knowledge base just for agents for better and quicker answer for the his/her customers? If yes, in which version of HubSpot read more
March 24, 2023
Yes, I mean an internal knowledge base that agents can refer to. For example, if in a outbound saling call, the agent always just talks about the more
tZhou6 on March 22, 2023
Hi community, I would like to know if I use the free/starter version of Hubspot integrated with softphone tools such as Aircall or Justcall, is the call transcription available for me?
tZhou6 on March 22, 2023
Hi guys,I'm new to HubSpot. It seems the knowledge base function is just for customers right? I would like to know is there a Knowledge base just for agents for better and quicker answer for the his/her customers? If yes, in which version of HubSpot read more
March 24, 2023
Yes, I mean an internal knowledge base that agents can refer to. For example, if in a outbound saling call, the agent always just talks about the more
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