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Member since ‎Oct 17, 2021
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Christopher Chiha

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fergusj on November 29, 2022
We have been playing around with the new direct HubSpot to WhatsApp integration . But we have run into a limitation around business-initiated messaging and managing the required Opt-In according to the Meta/WhatsApp guidelines for Opt-In . To read more
27 Replies
Top Contributor
May 11, 2023
Now we are not able to send whatsapp communication to new leads as we can't set the whatsapp subscription automatically. Whatsapp messages for newly more
ChrisChiha on October 13, 2022
Hello, We have a property field that contains 2 values seperated by a comma. I would like to get the value of the property field that is before the comma only. Is there a way to achieve this? For example: Property value: Spain, read more
Top Contributor
February 02, 2023
Hey @KcChano22 , Voila: (This code is basically splitting the property field "street" at the comma, and taking the first value and storing it in more
ChrisChiha on January 26, 2023
Hello, I have a workflow that runs daily at 10am, and enrolls some records that will reach a custom code action that is calling an API endpoint. However as we have the 150 api call limit/10 seconds for private apps, we are receiving some er read more
Top Contributor
January 27, 2023
Hey @Jaycee_Lewis , One of the workflows is checking if the enrolled email address exists in the HubDB table using this endpoint: GET /cms/v3/ more
ChrisChiha on January 26, 2023
Hello, I have a workflow that runs daily at 10am, and enrolls some records that will reach a custom code action that is calling an API endpoint. However as we have the 150 api call limit/10 seconds for private apps, we are receiving some er read more
Top Contributor
January 27, 2023
Hey @Jaycee_Lewis , One of the workflows is checking if the enrolled email address exists in the HubDB table using this endpoint: GET /cms/v3/ more
ChrisChiha on November 24, 2022
Hello, So i have quotes up and running. Internal teams can generate a quote from the deal and it will fetch all the associated custom objects to the deal and display them on the quote. To do so, i am using the below code: {% set customobject = read more
Top Contributor
November 30, 2022
Hey @kvlschaefer , Thanks for your reply, this issue was sorted. Code used to fetch associated custom objects based on association label: more
ChrisChiha on November 24, 2022
Hello, So i have quotes up and running. Internal teams can generate a quote from the deal and it will fetch all the associated custom objects to the deal and display them on the quote. To do so, i am using the below code: {% set customobject = read more
Top Contributor
November 30, 2022
Hey @kvlschaefer , Thanks for your reply, this issue was sorted. Code used to fetch associated custom objects based on association label: more
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