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Member since ‎Sep 2, 2021
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Louise Glover

Growth Marketer with a focus on building engaged communities and being involved at every stage of the customer lifecycle. Being both strategic and customer-facing, I work closely with prospects, customers, partners, and stakeholders to generate engagement and revenue. I’m passionate about purposeful startups that have a real-world impact.


KMcReynolds on August 02, 2022
My sales reps would like the ability to create a filter for deals based on certain line items on existing deals. This would allow our sales reps to revisit deals with products they can upgrade.
7 Replies
Contributor | Partner
August 03, 2022
Hi there, For your Product Line is this a field you complete? For example - Deal with McDonald's - completed a field 'Product Line' = 'Fries' If so, more
kvlschaefer on June 21, 2022
Hi Community, Last year, HubSpot introduced a Global Week of Rest as part of our long-term plan to prevent and battle burnout . Our team members took a week-long company holiday to step away, rest, and recharge. Due to great read more
16 Replies
Contributor | Partner
June 29, 2022
@WMurdoch We can also help you locate your HubSpot Success manager through our Partnership channels.
kvlschaefer on June 21, 2022
Hi Community, Last year, HubSpot introduced a Global Week of Rest as part of our long-term plan to prevent and battle burnout . Our team members took a week-long company holiday to step away, rest, and recharge. Due to great read more
16 Replies
Contributor | Partner
June 29, 2022
@WMurdoch We can also help you locate your HubSpot Success manager through our Partnership channels.
kvlschaefer on June 23, 2022
This month HubSpot celebrates 16 years of great software and education! Check out a few fun facts about HubSpot’s journey so far : HubSpot was founded on the concept of "Inbound," meaning people don't want to be interrupted by read more
6 Replies
Contributor | Partner
June 29, 2022
Happy Anniversary 🧡
PamCotton on July 30, 2021
Hello Community! Building a startup from the ground up is challenging enough. Your sales and marketing stack shouldn’t make it harder. We understand. HubSpot was a startup once too. That’s why we created the HubSpot for Startups progra read more
3 Replies
Contributor | Partner
June 27, 2022
Send me an email and I can take a look for you. Thanks, Louise
Edyta7510 on June 21, 2022
Hello, I'm struggling to set up a good framework for managing product unit costs in HubSpot. The unit cost for the same product may differ from customer to customer, it may be even different for certain orders of the same product on the same acc read more
Contributor | Partner
June 27, 2022
Hi, This is a tricky one to answer as there could be a number of solutions here with custom fields and other options. Without a little extra more
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