
HubSpot Employee
Member since ‎Jan 31, 2020
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Kevin Martinez

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kmartinez on December 19, 2023
It would be very helpful to be able to reply to incoming chats on tickets with either your personal connected email or an alias to a connected email address
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kmartinez on September 26, 2023
When a row is deleted from HubDB that has a page path - you should get an option to redirect that URL to another one, to reduce the amount of 404s created after rows are removed. We have hundreds of 404 pages now where we post an event, then remov read more
kmartinez on May 11, 2023
It would be great to see a better way to handle the saleforce integration with hubspot sandboxes. Currently when you connect salesforce to an HS sandbox, it creates duplicate properties once the integration is connected and so does not create a true read more
kmartinez on August 24, 2022
It would be cool if we can track the open rates and click rates of task emails created from sequence
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kmartinez on March 05, 2021
Currently, you cannot bulk edit SEO recommendations. It would be very helpful if we could bulk edit or hide these reccomendations
3 Replies
kmartinez on September 25, 2020
Currently you have the ability to add multiple reports from the email marketing analytics tab. One of the reports that cannot be added is the "Email Performance Chart" report. This would be a great report to add to the Dashboard as it is a great way read more
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