CMS Development


Email template background image class issue

Hi, I've read how some email programs are depreciated and don't always load background images, looks like some folks found a workaround and I need help identifying what needs to be updated. I added a class in the head markup area to define background images on two modules in my template and those are the two not displaying in regular gmail. 


Here's what I used: (as recommended on hubspot here »)

.vogsy_voice_bkgd {
background: url( center center no-repeat;
background-size: cover;


I did find a thread that talks speficially about EMAIL background images, but there's so many recommendations on the page I'm not clear what I should do. 


THANK YOU so much in advance! Robin



1 Reply 1
HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

Email template background image class issue

@robinr303, this is the best solution for email background images that you will find