World Certification Week 2022

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Bookmark This Thread: Announcements & Communications



This thread will be your place for all new information, updates, and announcement about World Certification Week 2022. 


Here, we'll share new events, opportunities to connect, reminders, and more. 

4 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Bookmark This Thread: Announcements & Communications

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Have you joined our study groups? 

We want to make sure you have all the support and resources you need to get certified during World Certification Week and set you up for success 🏆


Our professors are available to answer your questions in their study groups. Join the discussion, share your thoughts, and help others get certified too. Learning together is a great way to learn. 


💲 Revenue Operations study group

🏷️  Inbound Sales study group

📣  Social Media study group

📈  SEO study group

✉️  Email Marketing study group


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Let's goooooooo! 🙌

David Dennison

Search Engine Optimization

and Content Marketing Expert

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

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📣 Event Announcement:

Join HubSpot's @KyleJepson and @DevynBellamy1 for a World Certification Week Office Hour on Thursday, May 12 at 12:30pm ET.  Register Today:




World Certification Week takes place online. That’s why it is important for us to create opportunities to meet with other learners, ask questions, and share information. That's why, on Thursday, May 12, Senior Professor Kyle Jepson and Senior Marketing Manager & Black@INBOUND Founder Devyn Bellamy will be available to answer all your World Certification Week questions. They'll also talk about the impact certifications, HubSpot Academy, and professional development in general have had in their own careers. 


Please don’t hesitate to join – any and all questions are appreciated! By asking questions you are not helping yourself, but you are also helping others 👏

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

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📣 Event Announcement:

Join masterclasses as part of Australia and New Zealand's World Certification Week bonus week from 16th - 20th May. Hear live from the experts at @Google, @LinkedIn, @Aircall and more. 


Learn more about World Certification Week and register for masterclasses in Australia and New Zealand here


World Certification Week 2022 ANZ - LinkedIn  (1).png

Please note bonus content is not counted as a HubSpot Academy certification so does not count toward the charitable donation but is a great way to continue your upskilling beyond World Certification Week!