Our company has a really unique situation. We are a private aviation company that sells ownership shares of aircraft. Each aircraft has a 5 year term. We built out a custom object to track the aircraft and their in service and out of service dates. read more
Hallo Team, ich habe ein Formular erstellt. Mit diesem frage ich Informationen beim Kunden ab. Anschließend soll, nach Eingang des Formulars, eine automatische Mail an 2 spezifische Kontakte (keine Teammitglieder) geschickt werden. Diese sollen read more
@MWolters ja, Personalisierungstokens in Marketing-E-Mails können sowohl Kontakt- als auch Unternehmenseigenschaften referenzieren. Beim Hinzufügen...read more
Hi, I am currently trying to figure out if I can add subcategories for multicheck boxes. We would like our sales reps to add information about what IT systems our potential customers are using today, and it would be helpful to provide opti read more
is it possible to create leads from an active list or a lead score trigger instead of just the lifecycle stage? We have a lot of upsell opportunities so some contacts are already listed as customers and we don't want to reset the lifecycle stage. W read more
i would like to know the suitable way to learn sales through hubspot's free certified courses for an absolute beginner. i'm 19 and i've started learning sales with the inbound sales course. am i starting right or there is a better introductory cours read more
We are using sequences to define all the tasks that a CSM must do in a deal stage. The problem is that when the customer responds, the sequence stops. Is there any way to block the end of a sequence based on customer interactions? If not, is read more
Ah @LSalomao there aren't any emails at all? In that case you would have to use a workflow.
Before creating the next task, you would create a...read more
Hi, I have a question and I hope someone has a solution. We sell different services, but all the deals are in one pipeline. But for the different services we need different properties filled. We want to use the properties that appear when y read more
Hi @KRoos ,
With dependent properties you can get more granular: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/properties/set-up-conditional-logic-for-enumer...read more
Hi HubSpotters 👋 Many of you are either using or looking for a WhatsApp app to integrate with HubSpot. I'm a WhatsApp expert and have seen many businesses not knowing how to choose the right WhatsApp app or choosing the wrong one. Here ar read more
Hey @NiloofarK !
Thanks a ton for breaking down the WhatsApp-HubSpot integration options—super helpful! Feel free to point others to this pos...read more
Hey everyone, Hope you're all doing well. Quick question: Once a custom event is created (a tracking for download button clicks in my case), how do I add this as a HubSpot Score? For example if the button is clicked, this is 10 HS Score. I've cr read more
I have a set of contacts with very minimal like properties that I can use to group them together, one option is that all contacts have been enrolled in X workflow. Is there a way to use workflow enrollment as a filter to build a report? I see opti read more
Hi @kdowds ,
The workaround here is building an active contact list - when you add a list filter, you should see a filter group for workflow e...read more
When I click companies and enter the grid views there's a quick filter for things like "Company Owner". Is there a way I can filter other filter types? I want to customize the quick filters. For example can i set up a quick filter for something like read more
My company is a private aviation company. We sell co-ownerhsip shares into private jets. This allows the customer a certain number of flights per year. We want to add into hubspot some information that will tell us what shares they own and what plan read more
Hi @msoren42 ,
Do you have any additional information on top of start date and end date per share? Die ach additional field means 16 additiona...read more