Hello fellow HubSpotters, We’re facing a challenge in our sales and marketing process and need your help. We use LeadLab alongside HubSpot to identify companies visiting our website. In LeadLab, we use lead scoring and automation to mark lead read more
Hai.. I create workflow and based on specific condition i create branch for each user and put the user in the static list then I create task for each branch. For example: If user open email, it will go to "Open Email User". Then the create task to read more
Hi @IdoJoel ,
Workflows can currently not complete or delete tasks natively, no. This would either require a custom code workflow action (in O...read more
Hello, Is there any way to automatically update a list based on a form submission. I have a form that gets sent out each quarter to a certain contact in a company. In the form, there is an option to request the next form be sent out to a differe read more
Hi @Mlho
Utilize workflows to update a custom contact property and manage your list accordingly. First, create a custom property for the new...read more
Hi there, I have a simple request. I want to see how many companies our sales team is reaching out to again that were previously cold prospects. What I need is to filter companies by their "next to last contact date" to find those contacted read more
@DWesterholm not exatly what you asked for, but you could use a workflow to set a property to Cold Lead if the Last Contact date is more than 90 da...read more
I need to build an Active List from a Static List of our "good" marketing contact customers. We were having issues with or previous list being used for email marketing in that we were getting a lot of hard bounces forcing the emails to stop sending. read more
Hi @CGiggy ,
Have all of the 6,000 contacts submitted the form? Or did they end up on the marketing recipient list via other means? If so, tha...read more
I am trying to create a list of companies based on a certain person creating them. For example our admin added some clients to the system on behalf of my director and I want to find which clients they were, Ive tried creating a list based on 'Create read more
Hi @SKeohan ,
Just to confirm, how did you look up the user ID? You can either grab this by opening a user record in the settings for 'Users &...read more
I need to have all new contacts that are added to List A automatically also be added to List B and List C. All three lists already exist. Any tips on how to take this happen? Thank you.
Hello! I have a sequence running and we enrolled contacts on the same date, but because of the sending limits (500 emails/day), the first step then happened at different dates for different contacts. E.g. if they were within the first 500 of the read more
@karstenkoehler Thanks! I'm afraid not, as they were all enrolled on the same date but had the first step executed on different dates. I'd like to ...read more
Hi there, I'm new to HubSpot & I have a question regarding Lists. In CRM tools I have used in the past, I was able to import CSV files & create a static list that automatically filtered the customers & populated the data with other info read more
Hey @LittleF , Do you have email address in your excel or is it only phone number? HubSpot has 2 standard unique identifers for contacts - emai...read more
Looking for some input on best practices and i am not even sure i know how to convey this. There are only a few people in the company that I work for that actually use Hubspot to its fullest. I have never been to Inbound to learn nor do they provi read more
Hi all- We have a group attending a conference soon and will be using the business card scanner to pull leads. How can I automatically have these put into a list? I can't seem to find this answer anywhere. Thanks!
Hi @NBeal When you add contacts via the business card scanner during the event, you can then create an active list that uses the dates of your even...read more
Hi, I want to copy the list name a contact is a member of and paste that into a seperate contact property of that contact. Is that possible? If so, how?
Hi @BilalAhmad ,
Not out of the box, no. This would require custom code actions: https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/workflows/custom-cod...read more